In today's global scenario outsourcing is now a growing trend among a wide range of business. Some business outsource to reduce costs, others outsource to focus their main efforts on core operations. Globalization has set the world economy on a momentum wherein protectionist national policies cannot prevail and one must opt to outsource in order to enjoy the lion's share of global market.
For Nepal potential is immense in case of making itself as an alternative to outsourcing destination. With the revolution in internet technology and the spread of internet many company based on BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) like Radiant Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (working for clients in USA and AUS), Serving Minds pvt ltd, E-serve, Web-Nep (many more to name) has already started working in Nepal and they are performing well. Education levels in countries in Eastern Europe and Asia have grown quickly, as a result traditional knowledge advantages of western countries have diminished these days. Driven by fierce competition and price pressure in the west many international companies are looking towards country like Nepal for outsourcing there job.
Every country hooks for a niche, like Netherlands (Holland) is focusing on designing circuits. For Nepal it can look for IT related services. We have more then 4800 IT graduates per year produced by IT colleges. These IT grads with immense creativity and knowledge needs to be promoted by companies and should build IT outsourced job to provide platform for them. Although India and China are the preferred outsourcing destinations at the present the rising costs in India and legal problems in China has forced western multinational companies to find new destinations for outsourcing. Poland is coming up in Eastern European region, and then there is Russia and former Yugoslavia. In the Asian region, I believe Nepal, Sri Lanka would be a great destinations because of the lower costs, sizeable English speaking population and availability of trained manpower. Outsourcing main driving force is a cheap labor. Apart from cheap labor for companies like Serving Minds pvt Ltd English also play an important role.
Countries like India, Philippines and Singapore are with high English literally rates and are till now have been a major outsourcing destination. Increasing labor cost in these countries can provide good opportunity for Nepal as an alternative to these countries. As companies can go to any length to get the cheap labor the question is, whether you want to hire a Customer service executive, IT professional or Clerk in USA for $7500, or in India for IRS 7500 or in Nepal for Rs 7500, no doubt the obvious answer is Nepal.
As India has garnered profit from outsourcing in recent years, this phenomenon has undoubtedly assisted it for its 7.5% per year growing economy; prospects for Nepal can likely be very good as well because the main advantages that Nepal posses are its comparatively higher rate of English literacy with cheap labor force and good pool of IT graduates. We can state a thousand odd reasons as to why you should outsource to Nepal. But the most important reason will always be "Cost Benefits". The value proposition that Nepal has is that you get high quality expertise at low costs, so undoubtely one will consider outsourcing to Nepal as an good alternative if it gets 45% savings without having to make a compromise on quality.
A.M Dixit
Picture source: http://www.ramro.com/photo/flash.jpg
(I have published this article in national daily few months back, data might have been changed)