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United for a cause where there is no war and guns facing each other. In this virtual world we people can be united experiencing the freedom of expresion. Let your views come and express yourself to the fullest.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The international system has witnessed dramatic changes in the recent past. Developments around the globe challenge us to rethink the role of the global unification in the international community.

What is our nation's place in this increasingly complex global picture? How do we best promote respect for human rights and the growth of freedom and justice? What can we do to nurture and preserve international security and world peace?

Our world depends on knowledgeable and thoughtful person like you—the next generation of leaders—to build peace with freedom and justice among nations and peoples. In the belief that questions about peace, justice, freedom, and security are vital to civic education, we are here to initiate the peace building process by expressing our thoughts, and what should and shouldn’t be done for betterment of human world.


प्रज्वल said...

Great thinking Ashutosh!!!! Welcome to the Blogsphere. I wish that you continue this blog for a very very long time to come.


Anonymous said...

la la badai cha talai .. keep it up...

Anonymous said...

Hey Ashu, let me start by congratulating you for coming up with a great idea. This is gonna be really informative if we all keep postin.
Great Going

Anonymous said...

hey ashu thats a v nice picture that u made uniting all the religion. ur forum speaks for the wishes of all but the tool to attain which hasnt been discovered yet.i say discover because the answer might be somewhere within all of us

Anonymous said...

ashu more posts..more thought plz

Anonymous said...

true..lets hope n pray for the best